
Dr Tegan Bristow is a South African artist and developer of interactive digital installations; Senior Lecturer at the Wits School of Arts of the University of the Witwatersrand and Director of the Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival since 2016.

She is most interested in the space that digital art affords interaction and engagement, the place where she believes meaning is made. In 2015 she curated the Post African Futures exhibition with the Goodman Gallery in Johannesburg. Outside of her curatorial and development practices with art, culture and technology in Africa, Bristow has exhibited her own practice widely. Bristow has published her research in various journal and book chapters, most recently in Critical African Studies in 2017

Bristow completed her PhD on Decoloniality and Actional Methodologies in Art and Cultural Practices in African Cultures of Technology with the Planetary Collegium at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Arts at Plymouth University, UK.

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